Bryan’s Memories
What’s the stock price today? I’d say it was a little down. The one person who would always know was the man who we are all here for. A typical morning for grandpa would be where he was sitting at the kitchen table eating a grapefruit with the TV turned to the ticker and with the newspaper turned to the stock page. After asking me to read the prices without using a magnifying glass, he would sift through a pile of old electronic magazines in countless stacks around the condo and tried to teach me what he did as a career and knew so much about. Even though I did not understand most of it I still enjoyed hearing him talk about it and with such passion.
You and I would think that that was enough talk about stocks but not Grandpa so he would get on the computer and looked at the TD Waterhouse website while I tried to design my perfect hot wheels car on the Commodore 64. As if that was not enough, we would go out and putt some golf balls on the green or play a rousing game of shuffleboard. After getting a taste of golf, we would go out and play a game of 9-hole and often see this 90-year-old man out there playing with energy of someone a lot younger than he, and a man I know Grandpa really admired.
It would take a while to get to the golf coarse because grandpa liked to drive about 35 miles per hour on PCH. Even though at times his driving was scary we would always get there safe and sound. He and the Mercury took us to the Long Beach aquarium, the Queen Mary, Newport scenic cruises, the Getty Museum, and Orange county airport to pick me up.
A speech like this would not be complete if I did not mention the garages. We had to get out of the car before Grandpa could drive into the garage to park it. Although Grandpa did not pass on the collecting junk gene to me, I possess other traits of his.
I want to believe grandparents are going to live forever but unfortunately the visits do eventually stop. I was glad to know a generous, loving, all around great guy. Its reassuring to know he is back with his wife and is as healthy and happy as they were in their younger days. Thanks for what you did when you were here, and how you will continue to influence my life on a day to day basis. I wish you were here, so we could witness you nagging one another; even though you complimented each other so well and will do so forever now. I love you both very much and will remember all the fun we had. I am going to do my best to make you both proud of me and my accomplishments.
Take care Starvin Marvin.